Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day 15 Diagnostic

I love love love being a polyphasic sleeper. It keeps getting easier and easier to be awake at night. Now I'm fully awake most of the night, just as I am in the day. It's just between 4 and 6 that I struggle, and even there I'm improving.
Miraculously, last night at about 1:00 my body stopped feeling cold. Ever since I started polyphasic sleep, my body has had trouble regulating its temperature, so I've felt cold almost constantly. Only when I exercised did I feel warm. But then, today in the early hours of the morning, bam! Warm. Now I'm not cocooned in my pink hoodie and two layers of pajama pants, lol. I feel fantastic.
I practiced a little basketball this afternoon after fourth nap. It's a beautiful day out. I enjoy the long walks I go on when the world is quiet.

It's hard to believe this is Day 15. It doesn't seem like that much time has passed. Here's my Day 15 diagnostic:
  • appetite - normal during daylight hours, approaching regularity at night. i have a new meal called "munch," which is short for "midnight lunch" hahaha. digestion proceeds regularly as well. tmi? lol
  • creativity - apparently normal. i don't do much creation in the summer anyway. when fall comes, it will be more apparent whether my creativity and productivity have increased the way Steve Pavlina's did
  • health - fabulous. no sicknesses, no sore throats, no weakness. in fact, i feel more drive to be active and athletic now, so my physical fitness is quite good.
  • sleep - i fall asleep very quickly every nap, and i dream every nap. i remember my dreams when i wake up, though i forget them later if i don't make an effort to retain the memories. i almost always feel better and more awake after my naps than before them. my naps are nice and flexible; i can stretch my waking periods anywhere from 3 to 5 hours comfortably. 6 waking hours is a stretch but i can do it without immediate impairment. i just feel it later. i haven't tried naps less than 3 hours apart, because i've had no need to.
  • concentration - if it's any indication: i've been working on a 500-piece puzzle, and my ability to do it is unchanged from doing a puzzle of that size as a monophasic sleeper. i'm just as i was before. i can still focus totally on whatever i happen to be doing, if i'm interested enough. i still zone out when people around me are conversing.
  • stillness - i'm a rather patient person (unless i'm really excited about something). i'm very calm, and usually still. but my body has changed a bit as far as sitting still goes. i think i've mentioned this briefly before. sometimes when i'm sitting, i can't stay still. i have to start shaking my leg or wiggling my foot. i don't know what to make of it. it doesn't happen at a certain time of day. just every once in a while, my body will complain about being still.
That's about all I can think of. I'll continue to make side notes about my condition as I post entries on this blog. Oh, I just remembered something: my eyes don't like to stay still for very long. I used to have staring contests with my cat sometimes. Now my eyes won't stay still long enough for that. The good news is, I've heard that people who move their eyes around more instead of leaving them fixed are less likely to develop eye problems. Yeah, yeah, I know: citation needed. I have no idea where I heard that, but it makes sense. Moving my eyes uses the muscles that control my eyeballs, and using a muscle exercises it. Exercise is good. The bad news is, I'll never be able to gaze deeply into the eyes of my long-lost lover after running through a field of flowers in a white sundress. Bahahaha!!!

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