Saturday, May 30, 2009

I asked for it...

Today has not been a good day. I've been tired almost constantly. My only respite is when I'm active. I was tired even in third slice, which is usually the best one. I felt good when I took my dog on a walk in fourth slice, and I went outside to shoot hoops in fifth slice. Those times were the highlights of my very drowsy day. It's hard to keep my eyes open while looking at this screen. It's a small miracle that it's easier to keep them open while watching an episode of Xena. lol.

Despite my terrible tiredness, I still feel optimistic about all of this. Wasn't I just complaining that it was too easy? Now I got what I asked for. And today hasn't been a total loss. I worked more on revising my novel. It's not going to be complete in time to get a free copy before the deadline that CreateSpace is offering, but I'm going to upload however much of my manuscript I have ready for publishing. That's about seventy pages right now.

It's so funny to me that I'm dreadfully tired while I sit on the couch, but when I go outside and play basketball I feel great. Does using more energy make me feel more energetic? It would seem so.

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