Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mistake. First, only?

Oh noes! I got careless. Very careless. I had a feeling something would go wrong after my 4:00 nap, because there was nothing I wanted to do.

I went through the nap like normal and woke up to my alarm after thirty minutes. I actually remembered a bit of my dream for a longer time. And then I made the mistake. I was comfortable, so I lay there for a bit. I was on my stomach with my head up, and I thought I would be okay for just a few moments of this. I noticed how easily my eyes seemed to shut without me telling them to, but still I didn't get up. Couldn't be bothered.

Next thing I know, it's 7:15 and my mom is coming in my room to ask me a question, expecting me to be awake. Dang! I slept for two and a half hours! I don't even feel any better after it. And I didn't get my second slice bike ride. Grrar!

But I'm forgiving myself for that slip-up, resolving not to make the same mistake twice, and sticking to my schedule as planned for the rest of the day. Busy day today, with Sunday school, worship, a meeting in the afternoon, and youth group in the evening. But my naps will be fine.

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