Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tomorrow's the Big Day

Last night was the last full night of sleep I'll have as a monophasic sleeper. I'm taking my first 30-minute nap at midnight tonight, when Thursday starts. I made a 24-pointed asterisk-looking-thing on a bulletin board, and I wrote the hours of the day around the edge. I have six blue pushpins that I placed at the intervals where I'll be napping, and I can move them if necessary.

It's interesting to look at my 24-spoked wheel. At the top is midnight and the bottom is noon, so the top half of my wheel is darkness and the bottom half is light. The 24-hour day divides nicely into quarters. Night is from midnight to 06:00, morning is from 06:00 to noon, afternoon is from noon to 18:00, and evening is from 18:00 to midnight. Lovely symmetry. I've come up with a name for the times between naps: slices. Like pie. So I wake up from my 00:00-00:30 nap and think, "Okay, this is first slice. I have three and a half hours until my next nap, and then it will be second slice." I figure that's as good a word as any.

I've come up with a growing list of things that I can do during my free time. I'll list them here so other people might get ideas for their own lists:
  • read books
  • read articles online
  • listen to classical music and learn about it
  • memorize Fahrenheit 451
  • write short stories and maybe a new novel
  • work on a puzzle
  • walk the dog
  • ride my bicycle
  • play guitar
That's it so far. I'll write my first blog post as a polyphasic sleeper sometime toward the end of Thursday night (00:00-06:00) to record how I feel after staying up all night with only two measly little naps to sustain me.

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